Ed’s research explores relationships between transport, urban development and the environment, and how these interact with health, equity and wellbeing. Ed is currently leading research exploring the impact of the New Zealand transport system on health and equity and is working across both the transport and community formation strands of the MBIE-funded Public Housing and Urban Regeneration Research Programme. Ed holds two University of Otago Research Grants to model the future health impact of transport in New Zealand and to estimate the health and environmental effects of fully-subsidised public transport. Ed is also involved in research on greenspace and incorporates theories and methods from economics, behavioural psychology, social ecological systems and geographic information systems into his research.
Key publications
- Multiple Roles of Green Space in the Resilience, Sustainability and Equity of Aotearoa New Zealand’s CitiesLand13, 1022.
- Shaw, C. Wild, K. Smith, M. HInckson, E. Jones, R. Miller, E. Osborne, E. Curl, A. Mizdrak, A. Fitt, H. Hales, S. McLean. R. Opit, S. Mandic, S. Hosking, J. Woodward, A. Bozovic, T. Coppell, K. Macmillan, A.Submission on Draft Government Policy Statement on Land Transport 2024- 34
- Baker. M. Cunningham, C Amore, K Boulic, M Halley, C Nathan, K Pehi, T. Phipps, R Ruru, J Shaw, Caroline Toy-Cronin, B Tupara, H Wilkie, M Zhang, WHe Kāinga Oranga: reflections on 25 years of measuring the improved health, wellbeing and sustainability of healthier housing.Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand,Online.
- Placemaking and public housing: the state of knowledge and research priorities.Housing Studies,Download document
- The Impact of Transport on Population Health and Health Equity for Māori in Aotearoa New Zealand: A Prospective Burden of Disease Study.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,19(4), 2032.Download document
- Health consequences of transport patterns in New Zealand’s largest cities.New Zealand Medical Journal131(1472), 64-72.
- A cost benefit analysis of an active travel intervention with health and carbon emission reduction benefits.International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health15(5), 962.
- Fairness in Transport Policy: A New Approach to Applying Distributive Justice Theories.Sustainability12, 10102.
- Why New Zealand transport policy needs to encourage walking and cycling.In L Early & P Howden-Chapman (Eds.), Cities in New Zealand: Preferences, patterns and possibilities.(pp.107-114). Wellington, New Zealand: Steele Roberts Aotearoa.
- Streamlining urban housing development: are there environmental sustainability impacts?Cities55, 101-112.