Philippa Howden-Chapman
  • Co-director of He Kāinga Oranga/Housing and Health Research Programme
  • Director of New Zealand Centre for Sustainable Cities
  • Professor of Department of Public Health, University of Otago, Wellington
  • Director of Board of Kāinga Ora - homes and communities
  • Chair of the ISC Scientific Committee for Health & Wellbeing in the Changing Urban Environment: a systems approach
      Philippa Howden-Chapman is a professor of public health at the University of Otago, Wellington, New Zealand, where she teaches public policy. She is the director of He Kāinga Oranga - Housing and Health Research Programme and the New Zealand Centre for Sustainable Cities. She has conducted a number of randomised community housing trials in partnership with local communities, which have had a major influence on housing, health and energy policy. She has a strong interest in reducing inequalities in the determinants of health and has published widely in this area, receiving a number of awards for her work. In 2014, Philippa and her research team were awarded the Prime Minister’s Science Prize. She was the first woman and the first social scientist to win the prize. She is currently the chair of the WHO Housing and Health Guideline Development Group and was a member of the Children’s Commissioner’s Expert Advisory Group on Solutions to Child Poverty. She is a Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand. 

    Key publications

    1. New Zealand: Aotearoa New Zealand Cities Under Covid-19 - A Systems Perspective
      In P Howden-Chapman, F Gatzweiler, R Cooper & I Luginaah (Eds.), Cities Under COVID-19: A Systems Perspective.
      (pp.179-190). Springer Nature & Zhejiang University Press.
    2. He Kāinga Oranga: reflections on 25 years of measuring the improved health, wellbeing and sustainability of healthier housing.
      Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand,
    3. Robertson, O. Nathan, K. Baker, M. Atatoa Carr, P.
      Residential mobility for a national cohort of New Zealand- born children by area socioeconomic deprivation level and ethnic group.
      BMJ Open
    4. Baum, F. Freeman, T. Musolino, C. Abramovitz, M. De Ceukelaire, W. Flavel, J. Friel, S. Giugliani, C. Huong, N.T. London, L. McKee, M. Popay, J. Serag, H. Vilar, E.
      Explaining covid-19 performance: what factors might predict national responses?
    5. Noy, S. Devlin, M.
      Housing, Health and the Well-being of Children.
      Ministry of Social Development. Wellington, New Zealand
    6. Rivera-Muñoz, G.
      Structural Adjustment and Community Resilience: The Case of Postdisaster Housing Recovery After the Canterbury Earthquakes of 2010 and 2011.
      Health Educ Behav.
    7. Robertson, O. Nathan, K. Baker, M. Atatoa Carr, P.
      Residential mobility and socioemotional and behavioural difficulties in a preschool population cohort of New Zealand children.
      BMJ of Epidemiology and Community Health
    8. Ingham, T. Jones, B. Aldridge, D. Latimer, M. Dowell, A. Draper, J. Bailey, L. Stanley, T. Leadbitter, P.
      Damp mouldy housing and early childhood hospital admissions for acute respiratory infection: a case control study.
      74, 849-857.
    9. World Health Organization (Eds.).
      WHO Housing and health guidelines - Recommendations to promote healthy housing for a sustainable and equitable future.
      World Health Organization.

      The WHO Housing and health guidelines bring together the most recent evidence to provide practical recommendations to reduce the health burden due to unsafe and substandard housing.

    10. Lessons learned from implementing a programme of home modifications to prevent falls amongst the general population.
    11. Indoor visible mold and mold odour are associated with new‐onset childhood wheeze in a dose dependent manner.
      Indoor Air
      Jan; 28(1):6-15, Aug 4. doi: 10.1111/ina.12413
    12. Setting Housing Standards to Improve Global Health.
      Int J Environ Res Public Health
      14,12, 1542.
    13. How economic analysis can contribute to understanding the links between housing and health.
      Int J Environ Res Public Health
      14, 9.
    14. The value of experience: Including young people in energy poverty research.
      In N. Simcock, H. Thomson, S. Petrova & S. Bouzarovski (Eds.), Energy poverty and vulnerability: A global perspective.
      (pp 188-201). Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
    15. Sim, D. Stanley, J. Rowan, R. L. Harris Clark, I. K. Waiopehu College 2015 Research Team.
      Cool? Young people investigate living in cold housing and fuel poverty: A mixed methods action research study.
      SSM Population Health
      3, 66-74.
    16. Why New Zealand transport policy needs to encourage walking and cycling.
      In L Early & P Howden-Chapman (Eds.), Cities in New Zealand: Preferences, patterns and possibilities.
      (pp.107-114). Wellington, New Zealand: Steele Roberts Aotearoa.
    17. Preval, N. Young, C. Arnold, R. Denne, T.
      Does retrofitted insulation reduce household energy use? Theory and Practice.
      The Energy Journal
      37(4). DOI: 10.5547/01956574.37.4.agri
    18. Examining the role of tenure, household crowding and housing affordability on psychological distress using longitudinal data.
      Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health
      70, 10
    19. Abrahamse, W. Muggeridge, D. Beetham, J. Grams, M.
      Increasing active travel: results of a quasi-experimental pre-post study of an intervention to encourage walking and cycling.
      Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health
    20. Early, L. Hamer-Adams, A.
      In L. Early, P. Howden-Chapman & M. Russell (Eds.), Drivers of urban change.
      (pp. 7-14). Wellington, New Zealand: Steele Roberts Aotearoa.
    21. Stuart, K. (Eds.),
      Sizing up the City: Urban form and transport in New Zealand.
      Wellington, New Zealand: Steele Roberts, Aotearoa