Guy Penny (Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairoa) is a geographer, scientist and engineer with an interest in human-environment systems and the development and application of values, knowledge and processes to support healthy communities and environments. He has worked with business, government, Crown Research Institutes, universities and Māori organisations on a wide range of sustainable development and environmental management projects across Aotearoa since the mid-1990s, as a researcher, project manager and advisor. Much of his work has been in the areas of sustainable resource use, building science and healthy housing, community renewable renewable energy systems, climate change impacts and equity, and oranga Māori.

He is currently part of the team evaluating MBIE’s Māori and Public Housing Renewable Energy Fund and is the Māori strand lead in the University of Otago’s Public Housing and Urban Regeneration Programme. He has been working with the Wainuiomata Marae on their Papakāinga development since 2018.

Key publications

  1. A Whakawhanaungatanga Māori wellbeing model for housing and urban environments.
    Kotuitui: NZ Journal of Social Sciences Online,
    A Whakawhanaungatanga Māori wellbeing model for housing and urban environments.pdf
  2. He Kāinga Oranga: reflections on 25 years of measuring the improved health, wellbeing and sustainability of healthier housing.
    Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand,
  3. Ryan, V. Cuming, J. Riley, M.
    Thermal Bridging in External Walls: Stage Two.
    BRANZ External Research Report ER64. Report wall/4 by Beacon Pathway.
  4. Ryan, V. Cuming, J. Baker, G. Mayes, I.
    Measuring the Extent of Thermal Bridging in External Timber-Framed Walls in New Zealand. Final Report – Building Levy Project.
    BRANZ LR11092. Report Wall/3 from Beacon Pathway Inc.